Advocacy Tasmania
Advocacy Tasmania can help you with information, support and advice before or at your Tribunal hearing. They may also help you talk to the Public Trustee about any issues and help you decide a way forward.
Call 1800 005 131 or visit
Speak out Advocacy
Speak Out represent and support adults with a disability. They can attend Tribunal hearings with you, or on your behalf, and can help provide you with information about your matter. They also may help you with any issues related to the Public Trustee.
Call (03) 6231 2344 or visit
Tasmania Legal Aid
Legal Aid can assist you with free or low-cost legal advice and represent you at Tribunal hearings across the state.
Call their free advice line on 1300 366 611 or go to or visit their offices in Hobart, Launceston, Burnie and Devonport.
Community Legal Centres
Community Legal Centres provide free or low-cost legal services. They have offices located in Hobart, Launceston and the North-West.
Hobart Community Legal Centre
Call (03) 6223 2500 or visit
Launceston Community Legal Centre
Call (03) 6334 1577 or visit
North West Community Legal Centre
Call (03) 6424 8720 or visit
The Association for Children with Disability (Tas) Inc.
The Association for Children with Disability (Tas) Inc. provide information, consultation and training, case coordination and peer support for parents of children with a disability.
Call 1800 244 742 or visit
Citizen Advocacy Launceston Region Inc.
Citizen Advocacy Launceston Region Inc. support and represent people with a disability in the Launceston area.
Call (03) 6331 2177 Monday to Friday between 8.30am and 4.30pm or visit
Women’s Legal Service Tasmania
Women’s Legal Service Tasmania offers free legal advice to women across Tasmania through their telephone advice line.
Call 1800 682 468 Monday to Friday between 10am and 4pm or
Tasmanian Aboriginal Legal Service
The Tasmanian Aboriginal Legal Service (TALS) offers free legal help to all Aboriginal Tasmanians.
Call 1800 595 162 Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm or visit
Private legal representation
If you want private representation at a Tribunal hearing, the Law Society of Tasmania can help you with a list of private practitioners.
Call (03) 6234 4133 or email to get a copy of the list.
Find Help Tas
Connecting you with local community services.
Need crisis help?
- If you or someone else is in immediate danger call 000;
- If you or someone else is experiencing a mental health crisis and needs an urgent assessment, call the Mental Health Helpline on 1800 332 388;
- If you need to talk call –
- Lifeline: 13 11 14; or
- Beyondblue: 1300 22 4636 or
- SANE Australia helpline: 1800 18 7263