Many people focus on planning ahead for their financial and legal affairs by making a Will and enduring power of attorney, but often do not consider what will happen if they find themselves unable to make personal and medical decisions due to illness or accident.
An enduring guardianship is a legal document that enables a person to appoint another person (the guardian) to make personal decisions if their decision-making ability is impaired.
If you register an enduring guardianship with the Tasmanian Civil and Administration Tribunal (the Tribunal), that document will give you certainty about who will make personal decisions for you if your decision-making ability is impaired.
Your guardian may make non-financial decisions such as where you live, what services are provided to you at home and what medical treatments you receive.
Enduring guardianship only comes into effect if your decision-making ability is impaired and will only be effective during that period of impairment. Therefore, it may never become operational.
If you would like to prepare an enduring guardianship document with the Public Trustee, please fill out our APPOINTMENT BOOKING FORM and a representative will contact you to confirm your appointment.