Our Service Standards

We, the Public Trustee of Tasmania, in providing best-practice trustee services will:

  • Uphold our duty of care and respect the dignity of risk in all decision making with regards to the rights of represented persons.
  • Give full consideration for clients’ will, preference and rights in all decisions.
  • Eliminate discriminatory practices against all people. 
  • Provide trauma-informed support for decision making for all clients.
  • Deal with complaints and feedback promptly and fairly, relaying outcomes with consideration for accessibility of information and redress.
  • Ensure cultural competence through ongoing education and training in inclusive practices.
  • Be transparent and accountable, providing sound commercial practices in financial and legal matters, health and safety concerns for the wellbeing of all clients and their families.
  • Provide proactive and timely review of fee waiver or reduction for clients experiencing financial distress and in compassionate circumstances.

Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth)

Guardianship and Administration Amendment Act 2023 (Tas)

Download a copy of our Client Service Charter (pdf)

Clients and Families Safety

The Public Trustee upholds the Tasmanian Government’s commitment to Keeping Children Safe.

Please read our Children and Youth Safety and Wellbeing Policy. A detailed procedure outlines how the Child and Youth Safety Standards are implemented across all client services.

If a child or young person, or vulnerable adult is at immediate risk, call 000 for life-threatening emergencies or call 131444 for non-life-threatening emergencies.

If you would prefer to talk to someone about your concerns, please contact:

  • Strong Families, Safe Kids Advice and Referral Line on 1800 000 123
  • Tasmanian Elder Abuse Helpline 1800 441 169
  • National Disability Abuse and Neglect Hotline 1800 880 052.

If you believe the conduct of any employee, contractor or representative of the Public Trustee has caused harm to any child, young person, or vulnerable adult, you can make a confidential report to the Public Trustee:

This complaint will be handled confidentially by our Senior Management: ceo@publictrustee.tas.gov.au

Alternatively, you can also contact:

Communicating with clients

The Public Trustee has adopted the following service standards in communicating with our clients.


  • When you leave a message we will return your call promptly, but in any event within one working day of receipt of the message
  • Voicemail messages will state if the person you are calling is away for more than one working day and will provide an alternative contact number
  • We will make every effort to provide you with a response as quickly as possible
  • If we are unable to deal with your query we will try to put you in contact with someone who can assist you  


  • We will reply to non-urgent correspondence within 10 working days
  • We will contact you to inform you of progress if a final reply is not issued within 10 working days
  • We will reply to urgent correspondence where possible on the same day, but in any event within 1 working day
  • We will communicate clearly providing you with a response to the matters raised.  


  • We will ensure that our reception and meeting facilities are clean, accessible and maintained to a high standard of comfort and safety
  • We will provide you with the maximum level of privacy possible
  • We will meet you at the appointed time, or let you know if there are any delays and be helpful and courteous in our dealings with you


The Public Trustee places a high level of value on feedback from our clients and also has a formal policy for dealing with any concerns or complaints.

To provide feedback please click here to go to the Feedback and Complaints page

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