With the start of the New Year, many people will be thinking about the year ahead and making New Year’s Resolutions.
Some of them are lifestyle-related or perhaps aiming for something more substantive like a holiday or a new career.
One of the most important things you can do is to think about your future and make a plan that takes into account your wishes and helps look after your family and friends.
This can be a difficult topic, but that doesn’t mean it is not incredibly important.
Now is the perfect opportunity to start a conversation with your family and friends. While it may seem difficult to begin with, communicating your wishes and having a plan, can prevent future problems.
Putting a plan in place makes it easier for you and easier for those around you.
Sadly, around fifty per cent of Tasmanians pass away without a valid Will, and unfortunately, that can have a big impact on those left behind.
The Public Trustee can help you make your Will as well as other important documents like an enduring power of attorney and an enduring guardianship to make sure that your wishes are respected.
We want to help people understand how to capture their financial, health, and legal choices in writing so that they can be in control.
The Public Trustee can prepare free Wills and enduring powers of attorney for many Tasmanians, including all Tasmanian Seniors card or commonwealth pension card holders when they appoint the Public Trustee to take on the role of administering their estate.
For more information visit – https://www.publictrustee.tas.gov.au