
Lets Chat About Palliative Care

It’s National Palliative Care Week from the 19th to the 25th May, Palliative Care Tasmania provide essential services in supplying Tasmanians with the professional support and assistance in dealing with life-limiting illnesses.

Especially when a life-altering illness is affecting you and your loved ones, it is of critical importance to have a complete and comprehensive estate plan in place.

Public Trustee would like to take this opportunity to encourage our community to consider taking the necessary steps to secure the future of their loved ones, this is where we can help.

With over a hundred years of estate planning experience the Public Trustee is here to provide you with the essentials of having a secure and professional estate plan consisting of a valid Will, an Enduring Power of Attorney, and an Enduring Guardian.

We can help you with all three of those important documents. Just get in touch via 1800 068 784 or make an appointment today here

Nominations are now open for the Tasmanian Palliative Care Awards 2024. The Public Trustee are proud sponsors of the Outstanding Team/Service Delivering Palliative Care Award.

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