Elder abuse is a serious problem in Australia, if you are concerned that you or someone you know is being treated in a way that causes harm, information and help are available. Several organisations have highly trained staff who can talk with you and answer your questions. The services are free and confidential.
Elder abuse may involve physical or sexual abuse, taking an older person’s money or possessions, neglecting them, making threats or stopping their social contacts. It can happen at the hands of an adult child or other family member, and it often occurs in the home.
Tasmanian Elder Abuse Helpline – 1800 441 169
The Tasmanian Elder Abuse Helpline is staffed from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday by sensitive and knowledgeable people who can give you information and direct you to appropriate services. It is operated by Advocacy Tasmania on behalf of the Tasmanian Government.
The national ELDERhelp number (1800 353 374) will also take you to the Tasmanian Elder Abuse Helpline if you are ringing from within Tasmania.
Senior Assist – 1300 366 611
The Legal Aid Commission of Tasmania operates Senior Assist, which offers free and confidential assistance to people across the State who are over the age of 65 (or over the age of 50 if Indigenous) and worried about, or experiencing, elder abuse. This is an integrated legal and support service, with case workers working alongside legal staff.
Tasmania Legal Aid’s Senior Assist have released a comprehensive new booklet to help Tasmania’s seniors navigate the state’s legal system. Download the full booklet here.
Elder Relationship Service – 1300 364 277
The Elder Relationship Service, offered by Relationships Australia Tasmania, includes both mediation and counselling services to support older people and their families who need help negotiating complex issues related to the older person or caring for an older person.
Free Legal Clinic for Older Tasmanians – 03 6231 3265.
Legal Aid has partnered with COTA Tasmania to provide a free legal clinic for older people with concerns about any other legal matter.
- The Hobart clinics operate between 10am and 12pm on the first Wednesday of the month.
- The Launceston clinics operate between 10am and 12pm on the third Thursday of every month.
To book a face-to-face or telephone appointment for a general legal matter, please email admin@cotatas.org.au or ring 03 6231 3265.
Advocacy Tasmania- 1800 005 131
As well as operating the Elder Abuse Helpline, Advocacy Tasmania aims to protect the rights of older people receiving aged care services in residential aged care facilities or in their own home by helping them be heard and understood.
Tasmania Police – 131 444
For serious situations where the mentioned support services are not an option you can contact the police. In urgent situations where someone’s life is in danger, please call emergency service on 000.
Other support services
FindHelpTAS – www.findhelptas.org.au is an online directory of local community services in Tasmania.
Aged Care Quality & Safety Commission – 1800 951 822
Carer Gateway – 1800 422 737
Carers Tasmania (Statewide service available all areas) – (03) 6231 5507
COMPASS – Guiding Action on Elder Abuse – 1800 353 374
COTA Tasmania (Council on the Ageing) – (03) 6231 3265
Translating and Interpreting Service 24 hour service – 131 450
Victims of Crime Service – 1300 300 238
Dementia Support Australia – 1800 699 799
Family Violence Counselling and Support Service – 1800 608 122
Family Violence Response and Referral Line – 1800 633 937
TASCAT – Guardianship Stream – 1800 657 500
Health Complaints Commissioner – 1800 001 170
National Dementia Helpline – 1800 100 500
Public Guardian – (03) 6233 7608
Public Trustee – 1800 068 784