How will the Public Trustee help?

While under an Administration order, the Public Trustee will help you manage your money. If there is something not listed here, or there’s something you have more questions about, you can always ask your Client Account Manager.

We will help you develop a budget

Once we have spoken with you and have more information about you and your finances, we will work together to develop an affordable budget. The budget will include a plan to make sure all of your bills (like food, electricity, insurance and accommodation) are paid. Depending on what money is left, you may receive a personal spending allowance to meet your other expenses such as clothing and entertainment.

While your Administration Order is in place your money will be held in a separate and secure account at the Public Trustee. We will only use your money to pay your bills or any debts you owe. We can pay these bills directly and contact organisations like your pharmacy or landlord to them know that we will deal with them on your behalf.

If you have money for personal spending it will be put into your own bank account (via Electronic Funds Transfer) so that you can access it directly whenever you need to.

We will help to make sure you are getting the correct income

We will work with you to find out what income you should be getting and make sure that you are receiving what you are entitled to. This might be things like government support, a foreign pension, or if someone owes you money. We will deal with organisations (like Centerlink) on your behalf and coordinate any payments.

We will also make sure all your income is being collected into your dedicated account at the Public Trustee.

No extra money is given to you as part of the Financial Administration Order.

We will manage any debts

If you owe anyone money, where possible, we will contact them and work out a payment plan, this might include organisations such as Aurora, Telstra or TasWater.

We will look into any financial legal matters

If there are any legal matters to do with your finances, we can find out what is involved and how to deal with them. This might be things like seeking compensation or making sure you receive anything you may be entitled to when someone passes away.

We will prepare annual statements

At least once a year (usually on the anniversary of your TASCAT appointment) we will prepare an annual statement for you. This will show all your income, bills, expenses, and assets (like a car, house or investments).

We will help you with your tax and any investments

We will complete your Income Tax Return each year on your behalf. We will also help you manage and make decisions about any investments you may have.

We will help if you own real estate

If you own real estate, we will make sure your mortgage and any household bills are paid. We can also organise property inspections and make sure that any repairs or maintenance are carried out and paid for.

We will work with you and your family to make decisions about buying, selling or renting any real estate. If you would like to keep and maintain your property, we will help you to do this whenever possible. We will only have to coordinate the sale of your real estate if it is in your best financial interests, for example, if the money is needed to pay your care home deposit or payment.

We will help if you are moving to an aged care facility

If you are moving to an aged care facility, we can complete the Income and Assets Assessment form that you will need for your admission and arrange payment of your bond.

We can also work with you and your family to organise for your home to be cleaned and your belongings to be moved, rehomed or sold.

How you can help

While your Administration Order is in place you can help us manage your finances and achieve the best outcomes by letting us know if:

  • you change your phone number, address or name
  • you receive a bill or request for payment (in the mail or electronically)
  • you need additional money to make a special purchase

Things we are not able to help you with

While your Administration Order is in place there are some things that we are not able to help you with:

  • We are not able to make any personal decisions for you (eg: health care or medical decisions). That is the role of a guardian or person responsible.
  • We are not able to decide where you are going to live. We can tell you if you can afford to live somewhere or not.
  • We are not able to organise health care or support services for you. For example, you or your support person/s will need to make appointments, go shopping or get quotes for purchases. We can organise payment for services.

While we are not able to help with these matters, Your Client Account Manager may be able to assist you in finding out who can help.

Things you are not able to do

While your Administration Order is in place there are some things that you are not able to do:

  • You are not able to take out any loans. This includes loans from a bank, credit union, personal finance company or Centrelink (unless the Tasmanian Civil and Administration Tribunal has decided that you will manage your own pension).
  • You are not able to sign a hire purchase agreement.
  • You are not able to sign a lease for where you are going to live. The Public Trustee will assist you with this process.

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